Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our Garden

This spring we planted a large garden at Drew's house (Carl's brother), and we have lots of veggies planted. We have three types of lettuces, potatoes, squash, zucchini, green peppers, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, and okra. We have started to reap our rewards!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Passing of Grandpa Taylor

The past few weeks have been difficult for the Taylor family. The family lost their patriarch on May 20, and Carl lost his grandfather. Mr. Taylor was a wonderful, loving man and will be missed. Our thoughts go to all the Taylors across the US, and we wish we could have gone to Colorado to be with all of you!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Easter/Spring Break

Hello! It's us and we apologize for taking so long to post but it's been a crazy few months! Actually to be honest we couldn't find the cord to the camera so we could download the pictures! But, anyway we hope all is well with you and enjoy some pictures from the past two months! It also didn't hurt that Heather had a four-day weekend to catch up on things!

Easter came and went, as well as a Spring Break Trip to the beach. It's been a nice spring thus far, and we are looking forward to summer beginning!

Picture of us after Easter service- notice Bryce's shirt is already untucked.

Other fun pics from our week at the beach- we love spending time together as a family.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baseball Time

It's Spring! Bryce is playing coach-pitch baseball and he loves it and wants to practice all the time. He had his first game on Monday, and it was terribly cold and windy! Most of the team seemed to be having fun even though it was cold. He is playing on the Barnette & Coates Cubs team with players that have never played before. So, we're not sure if they will win many games but as long as the "Cubs" are having fun, that's all that matters!

Bryce was the catcher for one inning, and he made the statement on the way home that he was glad that he wore his cup!

Bryce is number five, and he was able to get on 1st base each time he was up to bat! All that practice at home is paying off!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sickness Invades

Well, it has been a very long two weeks. Two weeks ago, Bryce came down with the croup and missed four days of school. The doctor had to give Bryce breathing treatments but didn't prescribe antibiotics since it is a virus. A few days later, Heather came down sick with similiar symptoms. After five days of feeling horrible and never breaking her fever, she went to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed Heather with walking pneumonia and she basically missed a week of work. The antibiotics have finally kicked in and she's finally out of bed. So, we apologize for not updating the blog or facebook since its been a long two weeks. Now, back to lysoling the house.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beach Trip with Nana & PawPaw

Two weekends ago, Bryce went to the beach with his Nana & PawPaw. Heather's parents have a condo in Cherry Grove, SC and they have asked multiple times if Bryce could go with them. Well, we finally gave in knowing that he is old enough to listen and not drive Heather's parents crazy! This was his first long trip away with them, and it seemed like they all had a good time.

During their trip, they went to the aquarium where they saw thousands of fish, petted sting rays, and went into the shark tunnel. When deciding to leave the aquarium, the exit leaves through a gift shop and Bryce got a large stuffed dolphin. When Bryce got in the car, he told them that his mommy wasn't going to be happy with this large stuffed animal (he knows his mommy too well)!

They also went to the beach, it wasn't warm enough to get in the water but they had fun playing in the sand.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Beautiful Day

As some of you know, Bryce is at the beach with Heather's parents for a long weekend so that left us with an open calendar. Today has been beautiful around 75 degrees and after the snow from Sunday it's wonderful. There were many options on the plate today but Carl chose to play golf with John, and Heather chose to go hiking at Dupont State Forest with a friend. It was a lovely day for being outside and soaking up the sun! We are now gearing up for dinner with our friends, John & Lisa. Love to all our friends and families...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


On Tuesday, Bryce had his five year old check-up and all is well. He remains in the 85 percentile for both height and weight, and the doctor thinks he looks great! What was even better was that the doctor noticed that Bryce hasn't been to the doctor for a sick visit in over two years! We have been truly lucky that he has been such a healthy kid.

The only downside to the appointment were the shots and making sure that all the kindergarden registration information was done correctly. As soon as the nurse came in the room for the shots, Heather basically had to sit on him to get the shirt off his arm. But, she made it up to him afterwards by taking him to Marble Slab for ice cream. Bryce had a sprinkle cone with chocolate ice cream with gummy bears, needless to say that he didn't eat dinner last night!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bryce & Mom had their pictures taken right before Christmas and we finally got the pictures in our hands! They turned out wonderful, and we are very pleased. Check them out...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome to the Taylor's blog- or should I say Heather's outlet of expression. A few of our friends started blogs so we think it will be an excellent way to talk about the happenings of these Taylors!

We look forward to sharing our lives and daily occurences with our friends and families. Peace out...